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The Concurs’ first edition took place in 1932, with four teams taking part. | Vallvé. Centre d'Imatges de Tarragona / L'Arxiu



The renowned musician from El Vendrell, Pau Casals, was one of the Concurs promoters and he presided the jury in its first edition. | Vallvé. Centre d'Imatges de Tarragona / L'Arxiu



The Concurs returned to the bullring in 1952. In the picture, a dos de set by the Muixerra de Valls team. | Vallvé. Centre d'Imatges de Tarragona / L'Arxiu



Nens del Vendrell won the 1970 contest with the first “dos de vuit amb folre” completed in the 20th century. | Chinchilla. Centre d'Imatges de Tarragona / L'Arxiu



The 1970 edition was known as the “contest of the century” thanks to the enormous expectation it achieved. It gathered around 20.000 people. | Chinchilla. Centre d'Imatges de Tarragona / L'Arxiu



Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls won the 1982 contest after crowning the first nine floor tower ever seen at the bullring. | Arxiu Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls



Colla Joves Xiquets de Valls brilliantly won the 1992 edition after completing the performance known as “magical triplet”, which included the three most difficult towers at that time. | Arxiu Colla Joves Xiquets de Valls



Castellers de Vilafranca were the 1996 winners and completed the first tower over the basic nine floor levels: this “dos de nou amb folre i manilles”. | Arxiu Castellers de Vilafranca



The first ten floor tower ever achieved at the Concurs arrived in 2000. It provided Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls with the victory. | Arxiu Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls



The Concurs added a previous performance on Saturday afternoon in 2012. Bordegassos de Vilanova achieved the best performance that Saturday. | Maite Gumà. Arxiu Bordegassos de Vilanova



Since 2014, a third performance has been added, celebrated in the plaça del Castell in Torredembarra. | David Oliete. Concurs de Castells



Castellers de Vilafranca topped eight consecutive victories in 2016 completing two ten floor towers. | David Oliete. Concurs de Castells



The historic bullring, remade as Tarraco Arena Plaça, offers an amazing image that has become iconic. | David Oliete. Concurs de Castells



The Concurs offers euphoria, tension, uncertainty... pure emotion! | David Oliete. Concurs de Castells



The Concurs offers the rare chance to see several towers raised at the same time. | David Oliete. Concurs de Castells